Tuesday, 23 July 2013

How To Cover Your Bathtub Overflow Drain

There's no need to languish in shallow tubs whilst listening to annoying gurgling sounds.

This bathtub overflow drain cover attaches firmly and easily using suction cups.

1. Durable mildew resistant vinyl
2. Attaches using suction cups
3. Seals tight 

More details: Click here to view on Amazon

These overflow plugs have received very good reviews on Amazon and are cheaply priced. 

Pointless and annoying

If you've become used to bathing in baths without overflows, you won't be able to handle living with a bathtub with one of these pointless, annoying overflow drains. For those of us who love to soak, these drains are one of the worst inventions ever made. They deprive you of the deep relaxing bath you need to properly unwind. 

Enjoy a deep bath

Run the water all the way up to your neck rather than have it hardly covering your chest.If this product didn't exist, I don't know what I would've done. I probably would've filled it in with plaster and sprayed some water proof coating over it, which I'm sure wouldn't have lasted.   

Now that you've got the ability to deepen your bath, you may also be interested in something like this bath lounger.

Bathtub Lounger

Now that you're not restricted to shallow baths, you may want to check out some products like this, to further increase your comfort and relaxation. This full length lounger comes with suction cups, to hold it in place while in use.This product is priced very cheaply, at comes with free shipping.

You may also be interested in a splash stopper 

These splash blockers simply sit at the ends of your bath and stop waves of water from flowing over the edge of your bath. It's quite easy in a deep bath to cause splashes and soak your floor without even really moving much at all. Kids love to intentionally move back and forth to cause waves in the bath. These are very simple, yet very clever and can save you from having soaked floors and wet socks! These can actually save money on laundry, when you think about the number of towels you use to soak up water off the floor and how many times your socks get wet. More importantly though, they save you the headaches and irritation. 

To view the overflow blocker:  Click here to check it out on Amazon

Friday, 14 June 2013

Easily block your bath's overflow

This little bathtub overflow blocker is so simple, easy to use and cheap! It will block your bathtub' overflow so you can enjoy a deeper bath.

I used to get so annoyed by my overflow drain stopping me from having a proper deep bath. The constant gurgling of the overflow drain was also pretty damn annoying. What's the point in having a bath if you can't even fill it to the top! I can't understand why they even use these overflow drains in the first place.

This cover sticks to the side of your bath with tiny suction cups, which grip and seal.

Click here to view on Amazon

Confusion regarding overflow drains

Most people believe that bathtub overflow drains exist in order to prevent overflow during unattended bathtub filling.

This is actually not the case. If this were the reason, it wouldn't be good enough to me anyway! I'd rather flood my bathroom once every now and then, than have to put up with shallow baths for my entire life and have to hear the annoying gurgling noise as water goes down the overflow drain.  Perhaps if I was suffering from dementia, then I'd see why an overflow drain would be a special bath feature that would be useful. However, ordinary people like me need deep baths more than we need the 'protection' of an overflow drain. We know when we're running a bath, we can hear it, we don't need an overflow drain.

Trip lever housing..?

I actually just searched for the reason and it stated that bath overflows are actually called "trip lever housings' and were not intended to act as overflows. There was actually a change of legislation which meant that the bathtub molds originally made had a hole in the wrong position, which became redundant and was then converted into these trip lever housings. I don't exactly understand the descriptions, but they don't act as overflow drains and they were never meant to. However, the common misconception has lead to generations of people who believe these are overflow drains, with bathtubs being made with the hole in the same position.

So, they're not only irritating and bath ruining, they're also a total stuff up with no purpose!

If you'd like to buy one of the overflow blockers mentioned above,  Click here to view on Amazon